A Random Act of Kindness

Posted on February 24, 2015 by Categories: Chippenham, News, Wiltshire, Women's Group Tags: , , , , ,

A random act of kindness set the ball rolling for a treat for the Doorway Women’s Group.

Acts of kindness are not something that the women expect so for Maria Christina hairdressing salon on Chippenham to offer to open their doors solely for our ladies was just that.

For most of us going to the hairdressers is a part of life, we just do it, and it makes us feel better ourselves. A bad haircut or a bad hair day is not good.

I hadn’t really thought about haircuts regarding our women or even how they could afford salon prices. I knew that sometimes they cut their own hair or that friend would it for them, but when Maria offered her services it was brought into my consciousness.

We had to cajole and persuade some of the women to come as this wasn’t normal:

“why would a hair salon be offering this, what do they want?”

Tuesday came, I think all of us were a bit nervous but there was no need. We were warmly welcomed, put at ease and treated with such kindness that it didn’t take long for us to be enjoying the whole experience.

New hairstyles and certainly lots of chat and laughter filled the salon, so heart-warming (I definitely welled up a few times).

Maria and her ‘girls’ were great and equally enjoyed the afternoon. What a treat to have a salon close their doors and just be opened for us. And this isn’t a one time experience, we are going to be regularly booked in.

A big big thank you to Maria and her staff for their random act of kindness from everyone at the Women’s Group.

Mary, Support Worker & Women’s Group Facilitator.

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