Doorway Writing Group November 2016
Another session of our Doorway writing group and lovely it was too!
We had some great conversations about language and writing including the (relative) importance of grammar/rules, and the (absolute) importance of using the written word to help you express your take on the world and what’s going on in your life.
R borrowed a book from our library and hopes to join us next session.
There were some poetic contributions from J and H – see below.
We also created a short ‘collaborative’ poem using some words offered by guests and volunteers.
Collaborative poem:
Life can be terrifying
But I like the company here
It helps me to smile
I like breakfast and dinners here
The night of the hibernator – a poem by J
It was a foggy night
Under the sickly yellow light
The kind of night
To give an old hedgehog
The blues
The streets were empty, cold
And bare
Not a sound was in the air
But the tolling of a lonely
Churchyard bell
The hibernator ate his pea soup
While the others had a knees up
The quiet streets
Were empty, cold and bare
The bear scratched himself
And growled
Too woo went the little owl
And the clock struck three
In the market square
The hibernator went to
The window
Hearing leaves rustling in the street
And saw the insomniac
Staring at the town map
Some routine tourist information
Had caused profound, immense revelation
A little red arrow announcing ‘You are here.’
The hibernator yawned, went back to bed
The insomniac scratched his head
Around the crack of dawn
The tired twosome were snoring
And a new day was busy
Being born
A poem by H
Why do I lose everybody?
Why do I always make a fool of myself?
Why is there no solution?
Why did I break his heart?
Why do I go round in pointless circles?
Why can we not do anything for ourselves?
Why are we lost?
Why do I keep letting God down?
Please help me to survive and not just exist!
Help me get over him!
Help us to stop hurting you!
Give us a purpose!
Help me not to keep feeling rejected!
Help me not to be trapped in thoughts!
Help us not to play games with people!
Help me to be satisfied with your tenderness!
Help us heal the world!
Lord, have mercy! Give us your love!
Lord, let me adore you and not leave your light ever again!
Help me to make sense of you giving us full life but expecting sacrifice!
Help me understand others!
Fill my emptiness!
Bless everyone who loved me!
Heal those who didn’t love me!
Bless You my Father, Friend and Consoler!
My hometown is nobody’s home town – a poem by J
Take any place
Who would call it hometown?
Where people live on the streets
Like sheep.
Desperate, Distracted
Fuelled by fixes
The years rolling by like clouds
Lost sheep
With no shepherd
Waking up in my town
Your town
Is everybody’s business.