Doorway Writing Group Summer 2019

Posted on August 9, 2019 by Categories: Mental Health, Poetry, Wiltshire

Doorway Writing Group, summer 2019

Over the last few months our guests have been continuing to engage with the group crosswords and word searches, while also trying their hand at a new ‘word bubble puzzle’ which has proved popular. This new puzzle – which presents a challenge along the lines of “how many words (of at least three letters) can you make from these letters?” – has brought out a hidden competitive streak in a number of our guests. Who can find the most words? Who can find the most interesting words? An arrangement of the letters of our closest beach resort, for example, (Weston Super Mare) provided an intriguing selection of words including swarm, snare, remorse, mental, rupee, strop. Guests were subsequently encouraged to try putting these words into sentences or even a short story. Mental stimulation, fun with words, a distraction from day-to-day worries, plus some prompts for off-the-wall conversations and potential creative writing.

To close, here is a selection of J’s lovely poems.
Enjoy and have a great summer!

Stealing Time (by J)

In the forgotten city,
Where life is a dream,
And only the dream is real,
Though the shops are closed
There are open skies
Lost Vegas is how I feel.

Trolling the town,
For a Quality Street
And anything the seagulls have left
For a treat
Keep your head
Keep on your feet
A cup of tea
Life is sweet.

My head aches
With the return of sanity
My hands shake
“Welcome to gravity”

It’s the only thing you get for free
Everything else
Is a luxury.

Three lines and the truth
Needs not to be a haiku
With love,
The Blues.
(By J)

Leisure (by J)

“There is a time for everything”
The procrastinator ruminates
And there was time:
Bleeding through the cracks in the walls
Life’s great mystery
Sifted through arteries of birdsong
Lifted the washing from the line
Gently turning breath into wind
Listening to the sound of the unfurling of leaves
And in the grand haze

Mosaic maze of brain
Lullabies, alibis
The Great Escape
The Great Excuse

A distant train horn
The fanfare of fate
The solstice of understanding
dissolved in the sunrise of love

And finally the poem J read at the Civic Sunday service – Doorway is the mayor’s nominated charity for the year.

All tomorrow’s hopes
And the joys of yesteryear
Swept up like autumn leaves and
Flung into a dustbin
Of despair.

The winters seem forever
While the summers soon were sent.
It was hard to sleep and wake to search
For where my life had went.

The streets were not paved with mercy
There was no path to that second chance
Just a park bench to reflect for a while
In an exhausted fearful trance.

Until I came to Doorway
Where I didn’t have to hide
Hot meals and the welcome was warm
We gathered inside while breakfasts were fried
Like castaways after a storm.

Music art and crafts or I could pick up a pen
Write a poem about it all.
If I’m having trouble getting back on my feet
Monday evenings we play football.

When life was a battle I couldn’t fight all alone.
Now I have a roof over my head, and a place to call home.
Thanks to Doorway
I’m seeing better days
Until one day
Will be

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