
 Hi all, I grew up in Cyprus (RAF) mollycoddled and poor, the most wonderful childhood. 9 years in all, total freedom, add to that Malta, Gibraltar, Germany etc.

Then we landed in Calne. Culture shock or what!

I already knew how to fight, they teach boxing in my schools, but nothing prepared me for Wiltshire. It certainly added a new dimension.

Then I ran off the rails, became an alcoholic. Name a drug and I’ve done it. Was homeless for 10 years, lived in a bus, caravans, tents or just under a hedge.

My Dad said “why can’t you just settle down!”

Dad! You’ve dragged me round the world and expect me to settle down!

My point is the lovely people of Wiltshire have settled me down, and put up with me. I’ve never met people who will ground you like this before. I love this county and all who live here and that’s it I’m done.

Big shout to Doorway in Chippenham. Fantastic people who helped me so much in my darkest days. Love you all.

Oh and by the way if anyone needs a carpenter….

Neil June 2015

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