What We Believe
We believe that homeless and marginalized people are capable of change and can only achieve their full potential when offered a safe, supportive, empowering and non-judgmental environment. We work hard to improve the chances of people finding stable long-term accommodation, to prevent the loss of accommodation, and to signpost to other places of support. We provide immediate support including hot food, a shower, clean clothes and internet access, and longer term support by making referrals to other organisations including the Council’s Rough Sleeper Outreach Worker, Housing Options, Turning Point and physical and mental health services.
Not all homeless people are rough sleeping – the vast majority are living in temporary accommodation such as hostels, hotels, B&Bs or in caravans. Not all our guests are homeless; many are socially isolated and need the companionship they get from Doorway’s drop-in sessions, and benefit from the opportunity to try new things in a familiar environment. We see some of our guests over years, and can help them resolve problems before they escalate, and very often the thing our guests appreciate most is our listening ear.
Doorway has been in Chippenham since 2010, and is run by 10 trustees and 7 part time members of staff supported by a team of 50 volunteers.